Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What Makes Spectrum Unique?
by Scott Hassler

I began my career with Woodward-Clyde Consultants (now URS Greiner) as a staff Geologist in 1992, and joined Spectrum Environmental, Inc. in 1996. Since that time, Spectrum management saw abilities in me, to be quite frank, that I may not have seen or believed. As I grew individually and professionally, I was asked to manage each group within our company. The experiences gained as a result of those responsibilities have proven to be immeasurable in many ways. As we continued to grow, this same management style has led to a work place with driven individuals who truly love and get excited about what they do. This excitement is evident to all employees and our clients, and is a main reason why Spectrum is unique – people who love their jobs. Here are some other reasons that I feel Spectrum is unique.


Since I started working in the environmental industry, I have not come across another company that has incorporated environmental consulting, waste management, industrial services, environmental products, and hazardous/non-hazardous waste transportation services together under one company. This blend of services is unique in today’s marketplace and has significant benefit to our valued customers;

Employee Empowerment

Empowerment is the process of enabling or authorizing an individual to think, behave, take action, and control work and decision making in an autonomous way. In the beginning, I was asked to think outside the box and the decisions made were fully supported by management, even when the outcome was not necessarily favorable. Empowering our employees has led to a work force at all levels that is confident in making the best decisions with the company’s and our clients interests’ in mind;


With empowerment comes responsibility. All Spectrum employees have responsibility, both personal and professional. It is commonly stated that …you do business with people, not companies. This is true. Our customers have relationships with all levels of people within Spectrum. As such, not only are those employees empowered but they also have a personal responsibility to that customer. This leads to employees taking ownership in the service they provide, which normally leads to the successful completion of a project, or at a bare minimum, a strong desire to satisfy client expectations.

Spectrum management has created a unique mix of environmental services that is managed by employees that are empowered and who take responsibility for each and every project. Although this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, these three points provide a general frame work for why I believe Spectrum is different and unique in the marketplace. Our employees have names……not just numbers.

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